> 文章列表 > 春节长假怎么过的英文





The Spring Festival was full of happiness. On the morning of the Spring Festival, I woke up early and started the day with a festive breakfast. The aroma of dumplings filled the air as my family gathered around the table, laughing and sharing stories. After breakfast, we exchanged red envelopes filled with lucky money, a traditional gesture to bring good fortune in the coming year. It was a delightful start to the day, and it set the tone for the rest of the festive season.

During the day, we visited relatives and friends, spreading joy and well wishes. The streets were adorned with colorful decorations, and the sound of firecrackers filled the air. We played traditional games and watched spectacular lion dances. It was a time of celebration and a chance to reconnect with loved ones.

In the evening, we enjoyed a lavish dinner together, feasting on various delicacies. The table was filled with dishes symbolizing good luck and prosperity. We shared laughter and stories, creating beautiful memories that will last a lifetime. After dinner, we watched the spectacular fireworks display, lighting up the night sky with vibrant colors.

The Spring Festival was not just about food and festivities. It was also a time for reflection and gratitude. We took the opportunity to honor our ancestors and pay respects at the family altar. We burned incense and offered prayers for a prosperous year ahead. It was a moment of quiet contemplation and a reminder of the importance of family and traditions.


My spring festival is a vibrant celebration full of traditions and joy. Each year, my family and I gather to welcome the Spring Festival with excitement. We decorate our home with red lanterns and couplets, symbols of good luck. Every morning, we wake up to the sound of firecrackers and the smell of delicious food.

During the day, we visit relatives, exchange gifts, and enjoy festive meals together. We participate in various traditional activities such as lion dances, dragon parades, and lantern festivals. It is a time of merriment and togetherness.

In the evenings, we gather around the TV to watch the annual Spring Festival Gala, a grand showcase of music, dance, and comedy. We laugh and cheer, enjoying the performances by talented artists. It is a highlight of the festival and a moment of national pride.

As the festival comes to an end, we light lanterns and release them into the night sky, symbolizing the release of our worries and hopes for a bright future. We bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new one with open hearts and joyful spirits.


The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important traditional festival in China. It is celebrated differently in various regions, each with its unique customs and traditions.

In the north, people often enjoy the festive atmosphere by ice skating and skiing, making the most of the winter season. They also engage in various winter sports competitions, adding excitement to the celebrations.

In the south, the celebration is filled with vibrant parades, dragon boat races, and elaborate temple fairs. People gather to enjoy traditional performances, such as lion dances and acrobatic shows, that showcase the rich cultural heritage of the region.

Across the country, families come together to prepare and enjoy sumptuous feasts. Traditional dishes like dumplings and tangyuan (sweet rice balls) are prepared with great care, symbolizing unity and harmony within the family.

Throughout China, fireworks and firecrackers light up the sky, driving away evil spirits and ushering in good fortune. The streets are adorned with red decorations, symbolizing luck and prosperity.

The Spring Festival is not only a time of celebration but also a time for reflection and gratitude. It is a moment to honor ancestors, pay respects at family altars, and offer prayers for a prosperous year ahead. It is a time to embrace tradition, strengthen family bonds, and look forward to a hopeful future.


My winter vacation was a delightful time filled with family gatherings and joyful celebrations. I spent my days surrounded by loved ones, enjoying the festive atmosphere and embracing the traditions of the Spring Festival. We exchanged gifts, shared meals, and created beautiful memories that will last a lifetime.

During the holiday, I also took the opportunity to relax and recharge. I indulged myself in my favorite books, watched movies, and explored new hobbies. It was a time to unwind and rejuvenate before the busy year ahead.

The Spring Festival is not just a time for celebration, but also a chance to reflect on the past and set goals for the future. I made resolutions and plans to achieve personal growth and success in the coming year. It was a time of introspection and motivation.

Overall, my winter vacation was a perfect blend of family, festivities, and personal reflection. It reminded me of the importance of cherishing the present moment and nurturing relationships with loved ones. It was a memorable holiday that left me feeling inspired and ready to conquer the challenges of the new year.


My Spring FestivalLast year\'s Spring Festival was special. My uncle and aunt came to my home, and we had a joyful reunion. The house was filled with laughter and warmth as we celebrated the arrival of the new year.I helped my mom prepare a delicious feast, and we enjoyed a wonderful family dinner together. In the evening, we set off fireworks and watched the colorful explosions in the night sky. I received red envelopes with lucky money from my relatives, which made me feel lucky and blessed.It was a time of happiness, love, and togetherness, and I will always cherish the memories of that Spring Festival.


What is the plan for the holiday? What are you going to do to make the most of your time off?

When it comes to holiday plans, I believe in a perfect balance of relaxation and adventure. It is important to take a breather and recharge your batteries, but it is equally vital to make the most of the time you have. So, my holiday plan revolves around the idea of making every moment count.

First, I would earmark a few days for rest and relaxation. I would catch up on my favorite books, binge-watch a new series, and indulge in some much-needed pampering. It would be a time to unwind, rejuvenate, and focus on self-care.

However, I also believe in exploring new things and stepping out of my comfort zone during holidays. I would plan exciting day trips to nearby attractions, try out new activities like hiking or kayaking, and delve into a new hobby or skill. It would be an opportunity to broaden my horizons, learn something new, and create lasting memories.

In addition, I would make sure to spend quality time with loved ones. Whether it is a family gathering, a fun day out with friends, or a cozy dinner at home, I would prioritize nurturing relationships and creating meaningful connections.

Overall, my holiday plan would strike a balance between relaxation, adventure, and quality time. It would be a time of self-discovery, growth, and creating lasting memories that I can cherish long after the holiday is over.

春节假期用英语怎么说 - 懂得

The translation is: Spring Festival holiday or Chinese New Year holiday.


We often make dumplings at the midnight of Spring Festival\'s Eve. It has become a family tradition filled with laughter and excitement. Each family member takes part in the process of making dumplings, from rolling the dough to filling them with delicious fillings. It is a time of bonding, storytelling, and sharing love.

During the day, we visit relatives and exchange greetings, red envelopes, and well wishes. We engage in various festive activities such as playing traditional games, watching performances, and enjoying delicious festive treats. It is a time of joy, celebration, and strengthening family ties.

In the evenings, we gather around the TV to watch the annual Spring Festival Gala. It is a grand showcase of talent and entertainment, featuring music, dance, comedy, and more. We laugh, cheer, and enjoy the performances together, creating wonderful memories to cherish.

Overall, our Spring Festival is a time of love, happiness, and togetherness. It is a celebration of our traditions, culture, and the importance of family. We look forward to this special time every year and treasure the moments spent with our loved ones.


First day, I would like to have a good rest at home since I would have to stay up late the day before to welcome the Spring Festival. It would be a time to indulge in relaxation and catch up on sleep. I would also spend some quality time with my family, enjoying a leisurely breakfast and engaging in activities that bring us joy.

Second day, I would plan a day trip to explore a nearby city or scenic spot. It would be an opportunity to immerse myself in nature, take beautiful photographs, and create wonderful memories. I would also try out local cuisine and learn about the culture and history of the place.

Third day, I would dedicate to personal growth and self-improvement. I would enroll in a workshop or class to learn a new skill or hobby. It could be anything from painting to cooking to playing a musical instrument. This day would be about investing in myself and expanding my horizons.

Fourth day, I would organize a gathering with close friends. We would have a potluck dinner, play games, and enjoy each other\'s company. It would be a day of laughter, relaxation, and strengthening friendships.

Fifth day, I would focus on health and fitness. I would go for a long hike, participate in a dance class, or indulge in a spa day. It would be a time to take care of myself physically and mentally, rejuvenating my body and mind.

Sixth day, I would spend the day decluttering and organizing my living space. It would be a therapeutic and productive activity, creating a clean and harmonious environment for the coming year. I would also donate any unnecessary items to those in need.

Seventh day, I would dedicate to rest and reflection. I would spend the day in meditation, practicing mindfulness, and setting intentions for the coming year. It would be a day of gratitude, self-reflection, and preparation for a fresh start.

Overall, my 7-day Spring Festival holiday plan would be a perfect blend of rest, relaxation, adventure, personal growth, and quality time with loved ones. It would be a time to recharge, rejuvenate, and create beautiful memories that would set the tone for the rest of the year.


First day, I would like to have a good rest at home since I would have to stay up late the day before to welcome the Spring Festival. It would be a time to indulge in relaxation and catch up on sleep. I would also spend some quality time with my family, enjoying a leisurely breakfast and engaging in activities that bring us joy.

Second day, I would plan a day trip to explore a nearby city or scenic spot. It would be an opportunity to immerse myself in nature, take beautiful photographs, and create wonderful memories. I would also try out local cuisine and learn about the culture and history of the place.

Third day, I would dedicate to personal growth and self-improvement. I would enroll in a workshop or class to learn a new skill or hobby. It could be anything from painting to cooking to playing a musical instrument. This day would be about investing in myself and expanding my horizons.

Fourth day, I would organize a gathering with close friends. We would have a potluck dinner, play games, and enjoy each other\'s company. It would be a day of laughter, relaxation, and strengthening friendships.

Fifth day, I would focus on health and fitness. I would go for a long hike, participate in a dance class, or indulge in a spa day. It would be a time to take care of myself physically and mentally, rejuvenating my body and mind.

Sixth day, I would spend the day decluttering and organizing my living space. It would be a therapeutic and productive activity, creating a clean and harmonious environment for the coming year. I would also donate any unnecessary items to those in need.

Seventh day, I would dedicate to rest and reflection. I would spend the day in meditation, practicing mindfulness, and setting intentions for the coming year. It would be a day of gratitude, self-reflection, and preparation for a fresh start.

Overall, my 7-day Spring Festival holiday plan would be a perfect blend of rest, relaxation, adventure, personal growth, and quality time with loved ones. It would be a time to recharge, rejuvenate, and create beautiful memories that would set the tone for the rest of the year.